KONTRAX was entitled to support SACP for the period of one year. During this time KONTRAX performed its daily tasks successfully in a timely and professional manner. This lead to continuing of the contract for another year. Having a whole year of good work with successful results behind its back, KONTRAX suggested a whole lot of optimizations, aiming improvement in the IT infrastructure. The earned trust played its role and soon after the approval had been granted for the changes, that included migration of the AD, Mail system and deployment of centralized antivirus software management.


The timing had to be changed as per the Linux-based mail server failed irreversibly after an incident and SACP was left without one of their most important services – the email service. This was due to the fact that the Linux server was a single instance by design. KONTRAX reacted immediately after the call for help from the customer. It took rescue actions, sending some of its experienced specialists on place, who dealt with the problem and resolved it until the end of the day, by installing the latest Microsoft based mail server system – Exchange Server 2016 and began the migration of the mailboxes, initiating with the most important ones. Until the next morning all the employees had new mailboxes and were able to send and receive emails as well as access their old emails. As soon as the migration completed successfully and the last confirmation were given, KONTRAX continued following the plan by deploying a Hyper-V server, hosting three virtual machines, on the place of an unnecessary server. This virtualization solution has been chosen over VMWare because of integration with the already built infrastructure. Two of the virtual machines that were installed act as a second instance of Exchange server and domain controller. The third machine’s used for deployment of centralized unit for the Kaspersky antivirus software, protecting the computers and servers in the agency. Developing these three vital for the organization services provided the administrators and the employees with confidence and comfort. In this way they are now able to work in a secured and efficient environment. 

Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

Delivery and Installation of Computer Equipment.

Social Assistance Agency
Social Assistance Agency

Complex post-warranty service maintenance and repair of computer, copier and peripheral devices / servers, desktops, monitors, peripherals and UPS

Sofia Municipality
Sofia Municipality

Delivery of licenses for a one-year software and technical support of Novell licenses

National Expert Medical Commission
National Expert Medical Commission

Provision of computer and communication equipment

Smolyan Municipality
Smolyan Municipality

Delivery of electronic guides under the project “Momchilova Fortress – Myths Come Alive”

Registry Agency
Registry Agency

Delivery of a set of information equipment to build an emergency recovery data center (ERDC)

General Labour Inspectorate
General Labour Inspectorate

Building the communication infrastructure

Employment Agency (EA)
Employment Agency (EA)

Service maintenance of all hardware, including diagnostics, repairs and replacement of spare parts of existing hardware.

Ministry of Environment and Water
Ministry of Environment and Water

Delivery of communication equipment

National Association of Municipalities
National Association of Municipalities

Delivery of office equipment and hardware under Lot 2

Employment Agency
Employment Agency

Post-warranty maintenance of public terminals (KIOSK)

Burgas Municipality
Burgas Municipality

Building a comprehensive information system for the work of Burgas Municipal Council


Delivery of hardware for the system of the Ministry of Finance under Lot 2

Yambol Municipality
Yambol Municipality

Interactive multimedia system

Bulgarian Posts
Bulgarian Posts

Provision of the right to use Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement software products

Razgrad Municipality
Razgrad Municipality

Delivery of facilities, equipment and furniture for the project “Abrittus – Mysticism and Reality”

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Delivery of computer equipment, computer components and office equipment (incl. computer components for upgrading of servers and computers)