Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency


In the summer of 2016 KONTRAX won a tender for technical support of the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre. With the contract coming in force, KONTRAX takes over and starts performing the duties, mentioned in the contract but also KONTRAX takes care of the risen mail service problem. The Agency has an old out-of-support Exchange server- based mail system, which has a plenty of issues, piled throughout the years of service. Those include but are not limited to: serious difficulties for the service when failing over, impossibility for the users to connect via ActiveSync and many others, but what is the most tough for swallow is the lack of free space, due to improper handling and the lack of opportunities for additional hardware. Thus causes the service to stop extremely often and costs the administrators way too much time, spend for troubleshooting.


KONTRAX starts dealing with the problem, by performing initial steps for resolving the problem in the very first day of the contract, bearing in mind that the mail service is of extreme importance for the customer. All the necessary steps are done following best practices and strict change management process. Within just couple of hours with the time span of two days, KONTRAX was able to do all the prerequisites and to perform a clean installation of a newer Exchange Server version, which enabled the migration process. During the mailbox migration a whole lot of additional tasks are performed and settings have been changed, in order the employees to have the best customer experience without interruptions and/or any other difficulties. After the migration is over and after ensuring the systems work fine and trouble-free, the local administrators altogether with the management take the decision to keep the old servers in a ready state, so the integration with the other services of the agency can be completed. The next step, planned is to migrate the mail service to the newest and best yet version of Exchange Server. This would have to wait for the parallel migration of all the Windows XP client machines to the newer Windows 7 and Windows 10. KONTRAX has taken the responsibility to perform both tasks following a plan provided by the customer in a timely and a professional manner.

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Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

Delivery and Installation of Computer Equipment.

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Interactive multimedia system

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Complex post-warranty service maintenance and repair of computer, copier and peripheral devices / servers, desktops, monitors, peripherals and UPS

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Ministry of Environment and Water

Delivery of communication equipment

Employment Agency
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Post-warranty maintenance of public terminals (KIOSK)

General Labour Inspectorate
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Building the communication infrastructure

Sofia Municipality
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Building a Contact Center (CALL.SOFIA.BG)

Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency
Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency

Technical assistance and hardware maintenance

Employment Agency (EA)
Employment Agency (EA)

Service maintenance of all hardware, including diagnostics, repairs and replacement of spare parts of existing hardware.

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Provision of computer and communication equipment


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Provision of the right to use Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement software products

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