Sitel Bulgaria

Project name

Construction of low current and high current installations in Sitel

Period of implementation

January 2014 – March 2015


Sitel Bulgaria

Purpose of the project

Construction of low current and high current installations in Sitel, Varna city

Services performed

Delivery, installation and warranty maintenance of:

  • SCS Systimax for more than 730 segments cat.6,
  • UPS Socomec 200kVA,
  • 26 pcs. Of UPS Eaton
  • Electrical installation for work stations,
  • Power supply of UPSs and a diesel generator,
  • Server room air-conditioning
  • Delivery of server equipment


After the completion of installations, the company has the most advanced equipment and systems in the field of communications, which allows it to successfully continue to develop its business.

Yambol Municipality
Yambol Municipality

Interactive multimedia system

Sofia Tech Park
Sofia Tech Park

Supply of machinery, software and specialized equipment for the needs of the laboratory complex