Delivery and installation of Cisco communication equipment, APC uninterruptible power supply devices and Systimax structured cabling.
Kostal Bulgaria Ltd.
A wireless computer network was built for the needs of the company and the expansion of its production capacity. Cisco AIR1242 Wireless access points, a Cisco 2504wireless controller, Cisco 2960LAN switches have been installed.
The PBX based on a Cisco 2800 router was replaced with one of a newer generation. A Cisco Call Manager Express PBX was installed, based on a Cisco 2921 router and Cisco 7942IP telephones.
To reserve power supply, Smart 1500/3000 APC uninterruptible power supplies were installed.
A structured cabling system was built with more than 200 outputs of category 6, UTP.
Upon the completion of installations, the company has the most advanced equipment and systems in the field of communications, which allows it to successfully continue to develop its business.